Upcoming 25-27 May: Course on network meta-analysis, Biarritz, France, with leads from Comparing Multiple Interventions Methods Group. Open to all, course fee applies. 9 June: A new approach to evaluating loop inconsistency in network meta-analysis. Open to all, free to attend. 9 June: Cochrane Methods Support Unit web clinic with a focus on preferred and accepted risk of bias tools for non-randomised studies of interventions. For Cochrane authors, editors and staff, free to attend. 14 June: Rapid evidence syntheses for COVID-19 research. Open to all, free to attend. 5 July: Interpreting results of network meta-analyses: the GRADE minimally contextualised approach with the GRADEing Methods Group. Open to all, free to attend. 21-22 July: Course on assessing bias in randomised and non-randomised studies, Colorado, USA, with leads from Bias Methods Group and Comparing Multiple Interventions Methods Group. Open to all, course fee applies. 11 August: Cochrane Methods Support Unit web clinic with a focus on the development of materials to facilitate presentation and statistical synthesis when data are not amendable to meta-analysis (with Statistics Methods Group). For Cochrane authors, editors and staff, free to attend. 13 September: Updated GRADE guidance for imprecision rating using a minimally contextualised approach with the GRADEing Methods Group. Open to all, free to attend. 21 September: Searching clinical trial registers, a guide for systematic reviews, with the Prospective Meta-Analysis Methods Group. Open to all, free to attend. 13 October: Cochrane Methods Support Unit web clinic with a focus on interpretation of subgroup analysis. For Cochrane authors, editors and staff, free to attend.